The Waverley Gem club's Annual Exhibition is held each September on the first weekend of the Victorian school holidays. In 2022 this will be Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th September.
It is held at the Brandon Park Community Centre (Melways Map 71-C8) from 10AM to 5.00PM both days.
About 24 gem (and related) traders are present and offer a very wide range of gemstones, minerals, fossils, jewelry and lapidary tools for sale.
The club members demonstrate various lapidary arts and also offer for sale work they have done.
An EFTPOS machine is available for members of the public buying from club members.
Each year the National Gem and Mineral Show is held over the Easter weekend. In 2023 it will be held from the 14th to 18th April at Caboolture, in Queensland. Many traders attend and offer a wide variety of gemstones, jewelery, minerals, fossils, tools and related equipment. The Gemboree is also the showcase for competition entries from all the Australian gem clubs. In addition there is a "tailgating" section where club members can offer for sale a variety of gem related material which they have created or which is surplus to their own needs. A variety of traders will also be present to provide food and other refreshments for visitors attending the show. Most traders and gem club visitors stay on-site in caravans, tents, etc.

The Victorian Gem show is presented by the Victorian Gem Clubs Association every year, except when Victoria hosts the Gemboree, at a location hosted by a Victorian gem club or clubs. Like the national show there will be many traders present, a tailgating section will operate and members of all clubs will have competition entries in many categories of the gemstone arts. Traders will also be present to provide food and other refreshments for visitors to the show.
Most of the gem clubs also have their annual exhibitions with traders, club sales and competitions. Local newspapers often report and publicise them.